Hunkering down can be hard! These times have been a challenge for even the most hard-core homebodies. Let's break this down and hack the on-line dilemma.
Here are five things you can do to ensure a pleasant and fulfilling on-line yoga experience. In fact, you can start this right away.
TIP 1: Set Aside Self-care Time
Taking precious time for self-care is of utmost importance. As you design this time of self-care, take a look at your favorite yoga classes or a yoga class that you've been wanting to try out. Let the two worlds of Self-Care and Yoga align... plan to use your yoga session as a time for radical self-care.
TIP 2: Sign-up Early
Getting signed-up for a class well in advance of the yoga session or when you are checking the weekly yoga schedule continues and strengthens your commitment to self-care. Don't wait, do this right away. This is a clear signal to your whole being that you mean business. Plus, by signing up in advance you remove the added pressures of jumping through hoops and running into slow-ups at the last possible moment before the beginning of class.
TIP 3: Add It To Your Calendar
Now that you've committed to a class by signing up, get this on your calendar. As soon as you've signed-up for the yoga session that you're now looking forward to, add it to your calendar. And don't forget to set the Reminder/Alert.
TIP 4: Set Up Your Space

You've made it this far so take a few moments to gather up your yoga mat and the props you like to use during yoga practice in advance of the class. It feels so satisfying to have everything together just waiting for you.
This can include your mat, blanket, blocks, strap, cushion or pillow. Now that you're home, you can even add a favorite cozy blanket to keep you warm during savasana, or light a few candles for a calming addition.
TIP 5: Click On The Link
About 5 to 10 minutes prior to start time, click on the link to join the session and you're ready to go! An email or text from the yoga studio will be sent to you to remind you of the session you've signed up for and provide the link once again, should the first emailed link get lost.
Classes begin promptly, so setting that time aside ahead of time gives you the head-space to practice guilt-free.
Bonus Tip: Enjoy Yourself!
You've done all the things, taken all the steps to join on-line and have made it to your class. Have a seat, take a deep breath in and exhale a long sigh. It may feel good to do this a few times: take a full breath in and slowly exhale with a sigh... You have arrived. You deserve to be on your mat, with your body and your breath. Yoga on.
After going through the sign-up routine a time or two, you will become a "virtual" pro. I hope you find these tips handy. I know I have, since I'm not as tech-savvy as I'd like to be.
If, however, there comes a time you feel overwhelmed, or get caught in a systems glitch (because unfortunately they do happen from time to time) or you feel stuck in life, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are on this journey together. ​
OM peace peace peace
I'd love you to join me for one of my on-line classes.