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The link between gratitude and wellness

As daylight shortens and chilly evenings beckon us inside to the warmth of our homes, my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, creeps closer. The simplicity of this holiday's main focus, to acknowledge our gratitude, is an essential part of living a healthy life. One of the Thanksgiving traditions I love is to take turns sharing one thing we are grateful for. This simple interaction of sitting around a table of family and friends has always turned out to so much more fun than imagined... most times lots of laughter takes over. 

Why does gratitude feel so good? Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading researcher on how gratitude effects our mind, body, and our relationships, notes several ways that being in the state of gratefulness boosts our well-being: 

  • Gratitude allows us to celebrate the present by appreciating what we currently have, and being present can break the unhealthy cycle of worrying about the future or getting stuck in past hurts.

  • Acknowledging those who have shown us kindness, love or helped us even in some small way reminds us that someone cared, loved us, or helped support us in our life's journey.

  • Being in the state of gratitude increases our stress-resiliency by broadening our perspective.

  • Being grateful takes precedence over toxic emotions which eases the grip of held tension in body, mind and emotions.

In Mr. Fred Rogers' acceptance speech at the 1997 Emmy's, he asked, "Who in your life has been such a servant to you … who has helped you love the good that grows within you? Let’s just take ten seconds to think of some of those people who have loved us and wanted what was best for us in life--those who have encouraged us to become who we are tonight, just ten seconds of silence." After ten seconds he continued, "No matter where they are—either here or in heaven—imagine how pleased those people must be to know that you thought of them right now."

Practice for this week: for this week, I take 10-seconds each day to think of those people who have loved me and wanted what was best for me in life. I imagine how pleased they must be to know I thought of them right now.

I invite you to join me.




Winter Teaching Schedule My weekly schedule is up and current! If you have any questions or comments, whether about any of my classes, any of my other offerings, or you'd simply like to connect, please reach out!


Heart of Winter:

Restorative Yoga with Healing Soundbath

with Lorrie Shepard & Lindsay Corley

December 29, 2019

Recharge and Rejuvenate Your Winter Spirits

Gentle mindful movements, supported deeply relaxing poses, breath exploration and bathed with ambient sounds designed to warm body, calm your mind, and open your heart. Leave completely blissed and open to the amazing possibilities of the new year.


28544 Old Town Front St, #300 . Temecula . CA

Thank you for meeting me here and taking your time to read this.

My deepest gratitude to you for the way you've touched my life,

and for the connection that we have.

May you experience love and peace

and have infinite opportunities for gratitude.

In Peace + Gratitude,

Lorrie Shepard, E-RYT 500


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